It's Black Friday, traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year. Sales, crowds, folks lining up in their pajamas to be the first in line when the stores open. I admit that I have never done this--pajama shopping, nor any kind of shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. Unless I run out of coffee creamer or oatmeal and am forced to drive to the grocery store. (Can't put leftover gravy in your coffee mug or green bean and onion casserole in your cereal bowl.)
But hitting the uber-crowded mall? Not my idea of fun. I'd rather stay home and continue to be thankful for my blessings. One of which is that I no longer have to work on Thanksgiving. I did that countless times as an ER nurse, grabbing quick bites of pressed, cold turkey roll while attempting to identify true cardiac patients versus victims of acute pumpkin pie overdose. Not always easy, trust me.
I'm thankful too (and still pinching myself) that we've moved back home to northern California, closer to our children and grandchildren, and that we were able find a house that (to quote Goldilocks) is "just right" for us.
And grateful that despite the hustle-bustle of moving cross country (and twice in 4 months' time) that the release of Disaster Status and Code Triage happened without a hitch--if you don't count the accidental "Merry Christmas" message that appeared in the March newsletter I sent from a Marriott along the way!
And last, but certainly not least, I'm thankful for YOU. My readers. For your kind and newsy notes, your thoughtful reviews, your willingness to pass the word (and bookmarks!) to family and friends . . . for the warm encouragement that makes me want to continue writing stories of hope. You are a blessing, indeed.

Today is Black Friday, and instead of going shopping I'm going to offer a Thankful-for-You Giveaway. Right here, right now: a chance to win the complete Mercy Hospital book series, Critical Care, Disaster Status, and Code Triage. Personalized and signed as you like. (Keep the books for your own collection or give them as a special gift!)
I'll randomly draw one winning name on Friday December 3rd and post it here.
To enter the giveaway, leave a comment below telling us one thing that you are grateful for this year. Let's share in each others' blessings . . . and make gratitude contagious.
*Please include your e-mail address in this example format: candace(at)candacecalvert(dot)com
Best of luck!